Colombia and Teak
Latin America and Colombia in particular have invested in clonal plantation developments and as a result have increased their share of the Indian teak import market.
Colombia provides the perfect combination of optimal climate, excellent soil quality, availability and affordability, investment in genetically improved material, political and economic stability, and government support. It also has existing commercial ties with both India and China, the biggest importers of teak.
Colombian government policy towards forestry took a proactive step in recent years by introducing a tax rate of 0% on income earned from new forestry plantations with the rate in place until 2036 after which time it may be renewed.
Teak plantations in Colombia in 2021 accounted for 8.5% of the area of total commercial plantations and are mainly in the Caribbean region due to its optimal climate and access to the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans.
Scellec Teca in Colombia will create a value chain of excellence over time from seedling to a high value quality teak end product acting as a long term carbon sink delivered into premium foreign markets. Scellec Teca will become a brand for Teak synonymous with excellence with clear traceability.