Our Nurseries
In 2020 we established our nursery in Monteria, using quality proven and certified seeds from the Costa Rican Novel teak orchard. We also importantly developed a clonal nursery from a 12 year old 2.5 ha plot consisting of 68 Colombian best in class teak clones. These clones originated from Teak trees that were identified and selected in 2009/10 as best-in-class Teak in the Caribbean region in Colombia.
Best-in-class clonal teak progeny
Our nursery is now producing clones from this teak source, and over 700,000 teak seedling clones – grown in our nursery – were planted in 2023 (in total we planted over 897,000 trees). In 2024 we forecast using mainly clones from our nursery although some seeds will be included for best practice (to continue to add to the potential for other further exceptional Teak to be identified).
In addition to our main Scellec nursery in Monteria we now have three additional teak nurseries across the region, one additional nursey contracted to develop the clonal teak from our Mother plants, located outside Monteria, and two on farm nurseries in Las Mercedes and Poza Redonda farms acquired. Together they produced almost 1.4 million teak seedlings in 2023.
The ability to generate our own clones gives us a clear competitive advantage, particularly since there is essentially a prohibition on importing teak clones, and more so now there has also been significantly tightening of laws relating to the importation of seeds making it very difficult to import Teak seeds.